transformational game of self-knowledge
All the answers are within.
But where is this "within"? And how to find the answers there?

Leela is a tool for understanding one's own life and all its laws. This game board is our life in miniature. It helps us to see ourselves from a different point of view and points to the blind spots. It helps to figure out any question we have about ourselves or about our lives on our own, without anyone telling us what to do and how is right. This is a frank dialogue with yourself where the guide will be a facilitator and translator between you and the game.
"Life is a game"
This game is a metaphor for our life. And if life is a game, then knowing the rules of the game, it becomes easy to play. After playing this game, you can understand its rules. And learn to play the game called "Life".
Alignment with your Soul
This game helps you understand yourself. Helps you understand what you want. Helps to see where and in what you limit yourself and how to achieve your dreams easily and with joy. It helps to align with the life that is interesting to your Soul.
Leela is a very ancient game based on the Vedic laws of life. It is not known for certain about the time and place of its origin, but there are mentions of this game in the ancient Indian treatises dating back to about 700 BC, and game boards were found in the different parts of the world as early as the 18th century, so we dare to assume that it is at least over 2,000 years old. It has undergone many changes – at different times the game board consisted of a different number of cells (from 72 to 342 cells). Each new generation who mastered this game made their own changes to it: they added new cells, changed their names, rewrote the comments and tried to appropriate them. The game changed as life itself changed: peoples, cultures, eras changed. In the form in which we know it now, we are indebted to the Indian philosopher Harish Johari, who in 1975 published the book "Leela. The game of self-knowledge", rethinking the ancient game in a modern way. And even since then, it has undergone a significant transformation in the names of cells, but its meaning has remained unchanged: knowledge of the laws of life.
The point of life

Theres a point
In which

The mind
The body
The soul
& The heart

There are no words
There is no darkness
There is no light

There is only a divine symphony
Hear it and rejoice

written after the game by Chris Sontowski

Chris Sontowski

Prices & details
Choose the option that suits you better and send a request to book the date
game in a Group
— small group up to 6 people
— games in Peniche, Lisbon, Cascais
— scheduled dates
per person
Individual game
— private session
— game in Peniche or your place (up to 100 km around Lisbon area)
— option to book a special place for the game (extra cost)
— flexible dates
per person
Game for
2 people
— semi-private session for friends and couples
— game in Peniche or your place (up to 100 km around Lisbon area)
— option to book a special place for the game (extra cost)
— flexible dates
per person
– accessible worldwide
– individual game
– playing on a special web platform through a video meeting with digital game board and dice
per person
– a quick and accessible way to sort out an exciting issue and get tips for solving it through Leela cards
– there is no need to "enter the game" by carefully choosing your question or to reach the 68th square to leave the game
– online session in Zoom (40 minutes)
per person
Some statistics about games
Yes, I do counting, cause I like to see the scale of my work ;)
  • 73
    people played their game with me
  • 255
    hours of guided games
  • 8
    cities where we played the game
Reviews about games with me
  • Oksana
    To begin with, I had never heard of Leela before, but I was curious, ready to be open, honest and trust Daria. Since the question I came up with had been spinning around in my head for a while, it was easy to enter the game. And then the real magic began – the game showed me all the way the areas that I had already worked on with a psychologist. It gave me many answers and tips from different angles. Daria was very helpful in structuring my own thoughts and ideas! The whole process was interesting, very emotional and productive - the answer was found. So I definitely recommend trying it. The main thing is to be open and honest with yourself!
  • Olga
    For me it was the first experience of this game and I could not even imagine that everything would turn out THIS way! To my great surprise, the game let me in with the first try and the first 30 minutes were very calm and obvious for me, but then some kind of magic began from which I had goosebumps – in a pleasant way. The game led to the most vulnerable questions, and if it weren't for Daria, the miracle guide, I would have gone crazy :) My game lasted 3 hours, but after that the most interesting thing began - a lot of realizations and answers to questions that were not even spoken aloud... 3 hours replaced 1.5 years of psychotherapy, at least.
    I want to say once again many thanks to Daria – for her help, support and very competent game facilitatorship. It was very comfortable and cosy. I recommend with all my heart!
  • Alena
    I didn't have much expectations, I tried not to think too much and go to the game in ease.
    The first question was too general and I didn't throw out the 6 on the dice that would let me into the game. I asked the next question – and the game began. I tried so hard! Tried to catch the right feeling, ask the right question. On the first day I couldn't finish the game, I had to leave. The next day, we met with Daria to continue. This time I wasn't in a hurry. And after several attempts to ask the right question on the topic with which I entered the game, it dawned on me that the matter was completely different, I was worried about something completely different. And I started to fly. Literally on the arrows, I soared up and I finished the game. Euphoria! I am very grateful to you, Daria, for this little life I've lived in Leela. I received not knowledge, but a feeling, the feeling that I need to achieve my goal. And I was lucky to play both in the group and alone. These are absolutely 2 different experience, I would advise everyone to try both!
Certification and accreditation
I am an accredited facilitator of the 3rd level of the International School of Leela game facilitators "OMKARA".